Rotary Youth Exchange is all about experiencing CHANGE. This young lady, our dear Berta-from Spain, has tried many new experiences with Rotary friends and her host families. Beyond trips to Stratford and Toronto and even the Wallacetown Fair and a ride in a combine, rollerskating, curling, learning to pick out winter boots, skate, ski, snowshoe, toboggan and even survive a crazy winter’s drive through a storm……all new to Berta! She is proud of “trying all new things”.
This includes adapting to four host families. Each family kindly includes Berta in their lives and she learns from each situation, no matter how different they might be. We are very grateful to our amazing hosts! RYE’s ultimate international goal is to create world peace – one student at a time. By providing a safe and loving home, your family can also be part of this experience.
We are searching for our next student’s host families for 8-12 weeks between late August 2025 and July 2026. If you’d like to learn more about how to participate as a host family please email us at